The calling of the Methodist Church is to respond to the gospel of God’s love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission.
Worship in the Methodist Church is expressed in many ways. In worship the Church
- gives praise to God in Christ through the Spirit
- opens itself to God’s transforming love
- receives and reflects on the gospel of God’s ways in the world
- offers itself to share in God’s costly action in the world.
Methodism endorses many dimensions and methods of Christian mission. In particular it affirms that mission includes:
- telling the good news of Jesus
- calling people to faith in Jesus Christ and to Christian discipleship
- caring for individual people and communities
- sharing the task of education and social and spiritual development
- struggling for a just world
- being alongside the poor
- becoming friends with people of different cultures and faiths
- caring for the earth
- building partnerships with other churches and other groups who share some of our mission aims.