Events at Newmount

All Events Weekly Events Special Events Church Events Community Events Highlights

Moo Music Littleover

Multi Sensory music sessions for babies, toddlers and preschoolers. Contact them direct

Community Events


A monthly family orientated event. Join us for craft and play activities, songs, brunch and a short celebration based on a bible story.

Church Events Community Events
2nd Saturday of every month, except August

Monday Fellowship Group

We meet in the church porch on selected Monday evenings to follow a series of linked bible studies. We usually cover several series in a year. Wherever you are on your journey of faith you are welcome to join us. Contact us for upcoming dates and themes.

Church Events
We meet selected Mondays from 7.00pm

Warm Welcome Cafe

Warm Spaces are places where people can gather for free in a warm, safe, welcoming place and maybe enjoy a hot drink and some company.Our doors are open to all on Tuesdays from 9.00am-1.00pm. 

Community Events
We are open Tuesdays 9.00am-1.00pm

Newmount Brass

​For more information, please contact them direct.

Community Events

Sunday Morning Worship

All are welcome to come along to our Sunday service starting at 10.30am. We use a variety of worship styles, both contemporary and traditional. You can find out more in the “About Us” section.
After the morning service there is always time for tea, coffee and a chat.

​We meet every Sunday at 10.30am until approx 11.45am.

Church Events
10:30-11:45 AM

Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting

We have a strong prayer ministry in our Church and we offer prayer support for ourselves and others.

Join us for an hour of guided prayer on Wednesdays. These meetings are led by members of our Prayer Team.

​We meet monthly on the 3rd Wednesday 7.00pm-8.00pm.

Church Events
7:00-8:00 PM

Sunbeams Toddler Group

Attention all parents, grandparents and carers!

If you care for a baby or pre-school child, come and join us on a Wednesday morning. We have a good selection of toys and activities for babies and children in our informal group. If you need a sympathetic ear or just a cuppa and the chance to talk with other adults. Our volunteers, who are all parents or grandparents themselves, are happy to help. We’re trying to take care of the environment, so please bring your own mug.

We meet every Wednesday in term time 9.30-11.00am.

Church Events Community Events School Term-Times Only
9:30-11 AM

Knit and Natter

This informal drop in group meets in the church porch for a chance to swap ideas, patterns and knitting traumas and triumphs. We also knit for various charitable organisations. All abilities are welcome. Bring your current knitting, crochet or handicraft project. The kettle is usually on and the ‘natter’ is lively and wide ranging.

We meet every Wednesday lunchtime, 11.30am-12.30pm.

Church Events Community Events
11.30 AM - 12.30 PM

Sunday Club

We’d love to see anyone aged 3-11 years on a Sunday morning! While the main worship continues in Church, we spend about an hour having fun, making things, listening to stories to help us find out more about Jesus and how we can be just like Him!

We meet every Sunday, 10.30am-11.45am in the Rear Hall.

Church Events
10:30-11:45 AM