Sharing Our Faith Together

Reflections Through The Passion - Day 6

by Andy Cokayne and Peter Blount 31 March 2021

We commence our time together this morning with a song suggested by Chris Lane. 

Chris continues ‘This powerful song spoke to me and I printed off the music and the worship group looked at it.  It was not in a key suitable to sing in worship, so I put it to one side. But when God prompts us to do something, He doesn’t let go. It kept coming to my mind and just prior to the pandemic I transposed the song into a suitable key and the worship group were all set to learn it and bring it to Newmount, hopefully for Easter 2020.

When I first heard this song the power of the words just described what an immense thing God had done for us in the raising of Jesus from the dead. Jesus was the link between us and God. 

God is our living hope.

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Day of Rest

Reading : Hebrews 12 v1-3

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The scriptures do not mention this day, but the counting of the days (Mark 14 v1; John 12 v1) seems to indicate that there was another day concerning which the Gospels record nothing.

I wonder what went through Jesus’ mind on this day. The previous sabbath, he had had time to reflect and ponder. We reflected ‘It is one thing to be carried along by circumstance or business, not having the chance to sit and reflect, but quite another to have time to ponder and think, and yet still be committed to go through the horror of what lay ahead. Knowing that it was all part of His Fathers plan to redeem mankind.’ 

Time has now moved on, it is Wednesday, tomorrow Thursday he would be arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, before being crucified on Friday the following day. If it were me, I think with everything about to unfold, I would have been impatient, and my thoughts would have been “Come on then, let’s get on with it!” As I would have felt the inevitability of it all, and the pointlessness of waiting around. Yet we are reminded that we are to follow the example of our Saviour and be patient and persevere in our journey of faith, no matter what. 

Rev Ivan Homer shared with us: In an old student-notebook I wrote out Hebrews 12 v1-2 Let us run with patience the race that is set before us looking to Jesus who endured the cross.

Prayers Through The Passion
Heavenly Father we are aware that so often in life we are challenged to rush; we are told that we are behind, we are not where we should be. We ask that you help us to spend quality time with you. That you will refresh our spirits. That you will remind us again “Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith.” As we approach this Good Friday and Easter Sunday, let us consider what this time means to each of us, and give thanks. Through Jesus Christ we pray. 