Attitudes in Worship
by Clarice and Alan Smith 24 September 2023
Psalm 29:2
Ascribe to the Lord the glory due to his name; worship the Lord in the splendour of his holiness.
Psalm 30:4
Sing the praises of the Lord, you his faithful people; praise his holy name.
Some time ago at a Tuesday Ladies Fellowship meeting we were concentrating on Worship and Praise, through our hymn singing, prayers and talk. It brought to mind the fact that there are two attitudes in worship which are equally applicable.
The first is prostration and the second attitude is to hold the head high. Prostration gives a sense of being unworthy. The physical position acknowledges the majesty, glory and holy righteousness of God. It states a belief that God is high and exalted, in a place of light, where there is no darkness. It acknowledges he is the author of life in all its fullness. The second attitude is to hold the head high and means we can look at God and speak to him as a person speaks to their friend.
Worship is to acknowledge that God is the one who forgives all our rebellions and cleanses us from all our faults, that He is our Father who runs towards us, embraces us as lost children when we return home from the wilderness and casts out our fear.
Worship is confessing who God is and letting him be God. It is giving praise to the one from whom all truth, goodness, beauty and harmony flow. It helps us to rejoice in the work of God's hands. It is joy and confidence in the living God who has conquered death, thereby opening up a new world for us to live in. Above all, worship is loving God with all we are and all we have, making everything available for him.
Psalm 145:21
My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord. Let every creature praise his holy name for ever and ever.
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We pray Heavenly Father for those who do not know you and your love for them. May we as your children never miss an opportunity to spread abroad the good news and help bring others into your kingdom. In Jesus' name we ask this prayer.