Sharing Our Faith Together

Beyond These Walls

by Peter Blount 25 August 2020

Welcome to ‘Sharing Our Faith Together’

Sometimes our thought for the day is enhanced or concluded with an appropriate song – and rightly so.

However, today our thought is the song!

It’s a song I was not familiar with and I have tried to pick a version in which the words are clear and printed on the screen as well.

It’s called ‘Beyond These Walls of Worship’.

YouTube shows adverts which may not be appropriate to the video we have selected.

At a point when we have been ‘banished’ from our church buildings for so long and it has been necessary to find new ways of ‘doing church’ I found this song covers many of the issues and challenges.

Particularly in this week when our stewards have been grappling with the issues surrounding reopening the building and gathering the fellowship. As well as presenting these details to church council for discussion/approval, it is appropriate that we ponder on what happens ‘beyond these walls of worship’.

Perhaps, as you pray you would like to listen to the song again.


Wherever and whatever our worship is – please Lord, may you always be at the centre.