Sharing Our Faith Together

Forever The Same

by Ruth Croft 30 September 2021
First published 22/9/2020. We continue to post new thoughts but hope you find blessing and encouragement in revisiting some we have previously published.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever.

On 6th September 2020 we returned to Sunday worship in our church buildings for the first time in six months, since 15th March. Before opening the doors, those of us who had worked for many weeks to put the plans in place met to pray. There seemed so much to say - requests for safety and protection, thanks for the various gifts and talents of those to get to the point of reopening our doors etc, etc, etc… When the final member of our small group prayed, he simply gave thanks to God that despite all the restrictions and challenges we had faced in recent months, the sun had continued to rise every morning and the grass had carried on growing!

These few words of thanks provided a reminder we can celebrate that our God does not change and we should take comfort that His love and grace strengthens us, whatever challenges we face.

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Thank you Lord for the everyday reminders of your constant and unchanging love for each one of us. Amen