Sharing Our Faith Together

God Speaks

by Andy Cokayne 18 June 2023

1 Samuel 3 v 1-21

Some passages in the bible often speak to us more than others, to me this passage speaks volumes, and contains a couple of phrases in verses 11 and 19, that strike me each time I read them.

Samuel has just been dedicated to God by his mother Hannah. Who had been mocked for not having children, and had been praying for a child for years. Yet when Samuel is born she feels so blessed that she dedicates him to God, and when old enough brings him to the Temple to spend his life serving God. She knew she could trust her faithful God.

What a wonderful woman of God! What faith in a faithful God!

In verse 11 we read "I am about to do something in Israel that will make the ears of everyone who hears of it tingle." Wow! The sad thing is, that it is not good news for Eli and his family. His sons have been abusing their position as priests, and God is about to call them to account. He is an amazing God, but one that we should not take for granted, nor abuse our position with Him. 

Then in verse 19 we read 'The Lord was with Samuel as he grew up, and he let none of his words fall to the ground.' Wow! What a promise! Wouldn't it be wonderful to know that none of our words would fall to the ground. Put another way, none of our words would be trodden underfoot as useless, pointless, or rubbish. That all of our words would be useful, beneficial and wise.

What a challenge, and yet an encouragement, God puts to us, when He speaks through his Word. What an amazing God.

Song: You are amazing God

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Almighty God our Heavenly Father, we give you praise that in your word we can read of men and women of faith, that give us an example to follow. Help us to accept the challenge and encouragement they bring, and to ponder what an Amazing God you really are. Amen