Sharing Our Faith Together

Humble Service

by Clarice and Alan Smith 24 August 2022
First published 27/8/2021. We continue to post new thoughts but hope you find encouragement and blessing in revisiting some we have published previously.

Reading: Mark 10  32 - 45

When Alan and I lived in Wolverhampton and attended Codsall Methodist Church there was a member of the congregation who worked very hard for the Church, but always behind the scenes, never in front.  She was more than happy to do all the washing up and similar jobs, and she often repeated the saying, 'Just you see Clarice when I get to heaven they will just have had a big party and the washing up will be waiting for me.'

Joking apart, do you feel God may be asking you to do a particular job as we return to a more 'normal' way of life?

Whether the job is a humble or more exalted one it still requires someone to be responsible for it.  Many cogs are required in the wheel to make it operate smoothly.  Let us give it some thought.

As we know the person to whom the highest authority is entrusted in Britain is known by the title 'Prime Minister', that is, the 'first servant' , not only of the crown but of the people too.  This concept of service as the proper exercise of authority stems from the words of Jesus, repeated in several places in the gospels, that he himself came 'not to be served but to serve'.  Jesus' followers are told to use whatever power they have over others not to boss but to serve them.  Just the opposite to the political rulers of His time.

It is significant that Mark places this important saying in the context of Jesus' conversation with the apostles as they follow Him on the way to Jerusalem.  Despite the fact that Jesus has made it clear that His way of obedience is a way that leads to self-sacrifice, James and John still express ambitious hopes that one day they will be raised to important rank in the courts of heaven.

There is nothing wrong in being ambitious to hold office, whether it be in the Church, in the realm of politics or in the world of work, so long as we see that office as giving us a greater opportunity for serving others rather than expecting them to serve us.

As we slowly move out of the pandemic situation (although the numbers before us seem to contradict this), let us pray for guidance as to how the Lord wishes to use each one of us, and may we accept the challenge humbly.

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Servant Lord, show us how to use more effectively at home, at work or in the community whatever power we have to serve the needs of others.
