Sharing Our Faith Together

My Soul Magnifies The Lord

by Sue Muessig 22 December 2020

As many of you know, I don’t have a very good memory – especially when it comes to facts or numbers, but for some reason I find it much easier to recall song words. At Primary School I used to enjoy singing in the choir and at this time of year I often remember a song we used to sing with the chorus:

Christmas can be every day for you,

May this year be the best you ever knew.

If the love this Child imparts,

Can be held within your heart,

Then Christmas can be everyday for you.

This year might not be the best Christmas we have ever had. After a strange and difficult year many of us are missing being able to worship and sing carols together and see friends and family as we normally do. Perhaps, more than ever, we need to hold in our hearts the love and hope that Christ brought for us when He came as a baby.

Christmas may not be easy this year, but it wasn’t easy for Mary at the first Christmas. Mary was young, poor, and afraid, she was ridiculed and then had to go on a difficult journey to Bethlehem. But after first feeling “greatly troubled” (Luke 1:29), Mary then recognises the gift that God has given her and begins to lift up her praises. (Luke 1:46-55)

“My soul glorifies the Lord

and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour, 

for He has been mindful 

of the humble state of His servant. 

From now on all generations will call me blessed, 

for the Mighty One has done great things for me— 

holy is His name.”


How can we glorify or praise the Lord today? The King James version says, “magnify the Lord”, can we enlarge, broaden and deepen our worship and praise of our Saviour as we focus our hearts upon Him this Christmas.

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Heavenly Father, we thank You that You have done and continue to do great things for us. In our troubles, please help us to hold onto Your love within our hearts, and as we praise You help us to grow deeper and closer to Yourself. Amen.