The Garden
by Peter Blount and Sue Muessig 29 July 2021

Today we have 2 Bible Stories as we consider the Theme of Hope
Jesus prays in the garden (Luke 22:39-46)
The empty tomb (John 20)
As we think about hope, we remember the greatest event in history - the story of Easter. In the first video we see Jesus praying in the garden of Gethsemane. Jesus has had the last supper with his friends, and He knows that He is about to be arrested and put on the cross.
In the second video after Jesus death on the cross, we see Mary Magdalene and friends in the garden, who find that the tomb is empty and that Jesus is alive!
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We have hope in Jesus because He lived, died and came back to life. He did this for each one of us so that we can be forgiven for the things we do wrong, and we can have new life in Him. Hope isn’t always easy, but we can have hope because we know that God is with us in every situation we face. Hope helps us to keep trusting God in difficult times and to keep believing that our prayers will be answered.
Praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is so good, and by raising Jesus from death, he has given us new life and a hope that lives on. 1 Peter 1:3
Explore – The Garden
If, so far, you have only managed the walks around the park in your mind – today is your chance just to pop out into your own garden (even if its raining!) and as on Tuesday when we imagined David with his Goliath like problem – I ask you today, in your garden to try to imagine Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane and the courage he needed to face the ultimate suffering at Calvary. So that when He emerged our risen Saviour we might have faith and hope in the future.
It may be holiday club this week but I thought you would like this rendition of a familiar old song by the late, great, Merle Haggard
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Dear Lord please continue to walk and talk with us. Amen