The Lord Is Come!
by Rev Raymond Lunt 27 December 2021
The wonder in carols and candles,
in the music of angels
and the coming of Christ,
the Light of the world.
The love in greetings and gifts;
in the broken Bread shared
and wine outpoured -
God with us.
The joy in the laughter
and children’s voices,
in choruses of celebration -
giving “Glory to God”.
The peace in words of harmony
and acts of reconciliation;
in the birth of a baby
and the cost of a cross.
The hope in the darkness
illuminating the future
with Easter new life,
abundant and eternal.
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We pray for joy in our hearts, hope in our God, love to forgive, and peace upon the earth. We pray your blessings on our families, friends and on all people. Amen