Sharing Our Faith Together

The Peace of the Lord

by Moira Allen 6 June 2022
First published on 13/6/2020. We continue to publish new thoughts but hope you find encouragement and blessing in revisiting some we have published previously.

John 14:27

Peace is what I leave with you, it is my own peace I give you. I do not give it as the world does. Do not be worried and upset, do not be afraid.

In 2013, while on a visit to my niece and family in New Zealand, we had a weekend away at Lake Tekapo. The Church of the Good Shepherd is on the shore of the lake, a popular place with visitors which I was keen to see. I entered as a small group was leaving and I sat down in the empty church to enjoy the wonderful view. As I focussed on that view, gradually every thing and every thought fell away from me and I began to feel a depth of peace and stillness such as I had never experienced, before or since.

I have seen many lovely churches and magnificent views, praised God and felt at peace, but that day, sitting in a plain, humble little church built for previous generations of sheepherders passing through, I felt God’s spirit and presence in a new way. I have no idea how long I sat there for (my family said quite some time when I re-joined them) but in spite of the many visitors around the church no-one walked on the path in front of the window during that time, or entered the church until I was leaving!

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Lord, we need your presence in our lives at all times, especially in times of uncertainty. May we turn to you for the Peace that your Son left with all His disciples.

“ Drop Thy still dews of quietness,

Till all our strivings cease,

Take from our souls the strain and stress,

And let our ordered lives confess,

The beauty of Thy peace,

The beauty of Thy peace.”