Sharing Our Faith Together

The Stream

by Peter Blount and Sue Muessig 27 July 2021

Good morning and welcome.

Today our bible story is – David and Goliath (1 Samuel Ch 17)

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The Theme is ‘Courage’ and we will explore ‘The Stream’

What does it mean to have courage?

Today’s Bible Story is about a boy who had a lot of courage.  He was a small boy who bravely defeated a giant -  it’s the story of David and Goliath.

Courage is the ability to do something which frightens you.  David found his courage in the Lord.  God gave Him the strength, the power and the bravery to defeat the big giant that nobody else could.  When God is with us we can have courage in any situation because we know that God is good and He is with us.  

“Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you”. 1 Chronicles 28:20

Yesterday, I encouraged you to take a walk in your local park and be blessed by God's creation.  Perhaps, today, you would like to repeat the walk and I hope that there is a stream or river that runs through the park. 

Stand a while at the water's edge and imagine David slowly and carefully selecting his five smooth stones in readiness to tackle the giant, Goliath. 

Maybe you have something troubling you – a problem that has grown over time and has become your personal Goliath and you are reluctant to face the danger, not even knowing where to start. 

Start here by the stream, find the courage you need by accepting the assurance that God is with you.  

Heavenly Father, as we, adults and children, all face what may appear to be the Goliaths in our lives. We pray for your peace and assurance that David’s courage will come to us as well, and that you will walk with us however dark the road may be. 
Thank you Lord 

If you want a bit of fun here is a lively little song about, you guessed it – David and Goliath!

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