Treasure beyond measure
by Peter Blount 23 October 2022
Welcome to ‘Sharing Our Faith’
A short prayer –
Gracious God as we look at your word today, it is our prayer that you are able to speak to each one of us at our point of need.
In these troubled times, sometimes even the basic fundamentals seem to more difficult to obtain. However, looking back into the scripture, for some, the very basics were even more difficult to obtain – consider the reading below and the fact that for this particular woman in such oppressive circumstances, just getting water to drink was a trial. On this occasion it did turn out rather well because of a ‘chance’ meeting at the well.
Please read – Gospel of John 4 v 7 to 15 .A familiar bible story of a woman seeking the water of life.
I now have a piece of music for you which comes with a bit a warning! – It's not my normal sort of choice but please listen with an open mind to the passion and conviction by which the song is performed.
Angie Primm sings ‘Fill My Cup Lord’
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The song concludes ‘Fill my cup Lord and make me whole’.
When you’ve recovered! - perhaps you would like to think for a moment about offering your cup up to the Lord that even as we struggle with what has become the new ‘normal’ life He may fill that cup to overflowing with all the gifts we need (not want) to be fully owned, directed and blesses by our Saviour.
Angie sings ‘None can match the treasure I find in Jesus Christ my Lord’ may that be a personal testimony for each of us as we find treasure beyond measure, not buried but freely available in Jesus.
I wish you each God's richest blessing – Amen
Alternatively a short daily bible study from the Methodist Church can be found here