Sharing Our Faith Together

Twas the night before Christmas - A visit from Christ

by Ruth Croft 24 December 2023

In the days and nights before Christmas, many people are so wrapped up in the details associated with a “visit” from St. Nicholas/Santa Claus etc, that the much more important visit over 2,000 years ago is often overlooked. This visit lasted over 30 years as the son of God walked on earth teaching, loving and healing people. He gave up his life in order to offer salvation to whoever believed in him. The greatest gift ever!

Although the following poem below, written by Angie Mosteller, uses the famous first line of the classic, its purpose is to turn attention to Jesus and the true significance of Christmas. 

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the earth,
Every creature was stirring, awaiting a birth.
The time for Messiah was certainly near,
The prophets foretold it; the Bible was clear.
From the book of beginnings, the very first sin,
God’s word made it clear how His grace entered in.

Born of a virgin, He’d come as a man.
The Creator among us, the time was at hand.
The stars were arranged to show marvelous things,
Setting Wise Men to journey and find the true King.
Shepherds in Bethlehem gazed on the sky,
Longing to see him, their Lord, the Most High.

How could they know that the very next night
An angel of God would speak words of delight?
How the Saviour was born, it was news of great joy.
In a cloth and a manger they’d find the dear boy.
And a heavenly host would soon join to sing
Of the glory of God and of wonderful things.

He entered creation, set position aside
To show us how deeply his love did abide.

Sin sent us away from our almighty Lord.
He became one of us that we might be restored.
He’s the Prince of our Peace; 
He’s the one who makes whole.

He is Wisdom Incarnate, a Shepherd of Souls.
He’s the Author of Life; He’s the Ruler of All.
He can offer salvation, on His name we call.
The shepherds and Wise Men would bow to adore
Holy God among men, our greatest reward.

All glory and honour is due to this King.
Let all join in worship; let every tongue sing.
Jesus is Lord, all creation proclaims.
He’s the first and last, He is always the same.
History turned on the first Christmas day,

When God became man in a humble display.
As we think of the manger in which He was laid,
Let our hearts bid Him welcome to the world that He made!


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Through God “all things were made” (John 1:3). The whole world belongs to Him, yet he chose to enter it as a helpless infant for our sake.   

You are invited to join us in church at 10.30hrs and 18.30hrs today and 10.30hrs on Christmas Day to celebrate God's amazing love in the gift of His son.

Peace, joy and blessing be yours, this day and for evermore. Amen