Unique to God
by Rev Greg Obong-Oshotse 23 October 2020
Reading: Romans 4:18-21
Text: Romans 4:21 (Abraham was) “fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised.”
Former Deputy prime minister and leader of the Liberal Democrats Nick Clegg famously did a drastic U-Turn on a key campaign promise and supported the cap on university fees trebling from £3,000 to £9,000. He and his party paid dearly for it at the 2015 election. They lost a whopping 49 seats including his own Sheffield Hallam constituency. With just eight seats in its political wallet, the party could no longer afford a place in government. Politicians go through that all the time. Even with the best will in the world, they often make promises that they later find impossible to keep. It’s one reason people say they cannot be trusted. It usually leads to loss of confidence and punishment at the polls.
Not so with God. Paul makes the point of showcasing Abraham’s faith as founded precisely on both the integrity and omnipotence of God. Abraham ‘hoped against hope’ because God had given him a personal promise, and ‘God was able to do what he had promised’. Like God, men may have integrity behind their promises. But unlike God, they do not, and never, have the omnipotence to back them up. God speaks in His integrity, and acts in His omnipotence.There can never fail one word of what God has spoken. We should trust Him for the same reason: God is able to do what He has promised. He is the only being who has that qualification. That’s unique to God, our God! Hallelujah!
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Prayer Dear Father may our hope be firmly fixed on Your integrity and omnipotence in Christ’s name, Amen.