Worship for 6 February 2022
by Peter Nelson and Chris Lane 6 February 2022
Welcome to worship with us today. We are continuing our exploration of the Apostles Creed.
’Jesus ascends into heaven and will one day return again for the final judgement.’
Song: Great is the darkness (Come Lord Jesus, pour your spirit on us today)
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Let us pray
As we come to you in prayer this morning Father, we ask that you will come and pour your Holy Spirit on us today.
We come and worship the living God - and the Saviour of the world.
We come and worship the one who died - and was raised again.
We come and worship because you are worthy to be praised and adored.
We come and worship the spirit who renews and empowers us to be God’s people.
We come also this morning to ask your forgiveness.:
- when we have failed to spend time with you
- when we have failed to be silent and listen to you
- when we have gone and followed our own way
- when we have not called upon your name.
Father forgive us.
And we share in the prayer Jesus taught us…. Lord’s prayer
Song: My hope is built on nothing less
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Intercessions with response
God of all power
We pray for those in leadership around the world.
We pray for those who work for peace between nations, for diplomats, politicians and delegations, seeking hope and justice for all.
Lord give them your wisdom in all the decisions that have to make.
May all show integrity, care and compassion for the people that they serve.
In faith we pray, Lord hear our prayer
God of all power
We pray for those without power.
For those on the street that have nowhere to live.
For those in poor housing and temporary accommodation.
For refugees finding a new path to take.
For those with no voice to be heard.
For those who daily worry about the payment of bills and feeding their family.
In faith we pray, Lord hear our prayer
God of all power
Lord we pray for all those who have found these last two years a struggle,
For those who are grieving for loved ones lost through covid or other illness.
For those who struggle with their mental health.
For the vulnerable and the lonely.
Lord give them hope for a future.
In faith we pray, Lord hear our prayer
God of all power
We pray for those we know who need a special touch of your love this day. In silence we bring them before you.
We pray for ourselves.
Lord help us to remember that wherever we are and whatever we are doing we do not face it in our own strength but with you.
Lord, you have promised that the power that raised Jesus from the dead will be available to us, and you will walk with us.
In faith we pray, Lord hear our prayer
God of all power
We place ourselves in your hands. In the name of Christ, the power of God for us. Amen.
Hymn: ‘Sing we the King who coming to reign.’
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Readings: Acts 1: 1-11, Matthew 25: 1-13
‘He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the almighty Father; from there He will come to judge the living and the dead.’
Jesus ascends into heaven and will one day return again for final judgment.
Why did Jesus have to leave earth and ascend into heaven?
What will happen when Jesus returns?
What difference does the promise of Jesus’ return make to the way we live now?
Last week Jacky spoke about the resurrection of Jesus. This week we move on in the Apostles Greed,
He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the almighty Father; from there He will come to judge the living and the dead.
When I was at school I attended the village school in Darley Abbey, this was a Church school, C of E. For our ‘Scripture lessons’ we had to memories, some Psalms, 23, 121, 150. The Catechism, and The Apostles Creed among other things. Some of which I can still remember.
The Catechism.
“My Godfather and Godmother did promise and vow three things in my name.
First that I should renounce the devil and all his works, the pomps and vanity of this wicked world, and all the sinful lusts of the flesh, etc, etc,”
Now I was Baptised in the Methodist Chapel at Darley Abbey where you had no Godparents so where did I stand knowing the Anglican Catechism?
We had to remember all these important passages, but no one ever explained them and their meaning.
So coming on our journey through the Apostles Creed we are looking at three questions.
‘He ascended into heaven.’
Why did Jesus have to leave earth and ascend into heaven?
Having spent thirty years on earth why did Jesus leave! He was healing, teaching, performing many miracles, more than is recorded in the bible. He died on the cross to pay the sacrifice for our sins and all the sins of all those who believe in His name. He rose again victorious over sin and death itself, a victory we can share and therefore have no fear of death! So, why did He leave earth? Luke records the event in the first chapter of his second book, the Acts of the Apostles chapter one.
After His resurrection for forty days He moved about giving convincing proof that He was alive. He also gave instructions to His disciples to wait in Jerusalem for a promise that God had made to be filled. But what was this promise? The Holy Spirit was promised. What would the disciples make of that! Had they seen this Holy Spirit! Jesus had spoken of the Holy Spirit as a Comforter, he would come if He left. What difference did the Holy Spirit make? It is recorded in the second chapter of Luke’s book, the Acts of the Apostles, chapter two, they were filled with confidence, power, boldness ‘filled with the Holy Spirit’ they would never be the same again,
‘And is seated at the right hand of God the almighty Father;’
This tells us that Jesus was totally human when on earth even though He is Divine, He left this earth so He could be able to be at one with the Father. He was there at Creation, Genesis records that there was a conversation took place during the creation. He will be there at the end of time, Revelation.
‘From there He will come to judge the living and the dead.’
What will happen when Jesus returns?
He will return! He promised that He would! But, this time He will be as judge!
When He returns it will be at the end of the age, life on earth as we know it will end!
The book of Revelations tells in some detail what was shown to John in a vision when he was on the isle of Patmos. When you read it you must remember that fact, but in that vision is the truth set down in away it will allow us to imagine what it may be like.
He told his disciples what will take place, those who are His, been forgiven and redeemed by His death and resurrection will go into God’s presence, but those who are not will not. This is where we could look at the meaning of the difference between Heaven and Hell, but lets leave for another day.
He will become our judge, judging with truth who we are, and what we do.
What difference does the promise of Jesus’ return make to the way we live now?
The story of ten virgins should tell us a number things about how we should live in the time before He returns.
To live as if His return is today.
When His disciples asked Him when will these things be, He returned with the answer ‘I Don’t know, only my Father knows that and he’s not told me yet.’
“Be Prepared” the Scouts motto fit here very well, not like the five foolish virgins awaiting the arrival of the Bridegroom to the wedding feast, fell asleep took notice of the time passing. I heard it once said that we should live as if He will return today, But, plan as if He will return in a thousand years.
We live in His presence now, Holy Spirit is ever presence. Psalm 139 but this better than I ever could. ‘O Lord you search me and you know me,’
When that day comes for you and me, and it will, to stand before Him and answer for our thoughts and actions. It may not be on His return to earth, but when we leave this life and go into His presence in Glory, if we have allowed His Holy Spirit to be our guide, our power and our purpose then we can enter His presence with joy and without fear, knowing as the hymn says “It is well with my soul.”
We can enjoy the peace of heart and mind that the comforter can bring, if we give Him the central place in our lives through the Holy Spirit, like those in that upper room on that first day of Pentecost, receiving boldness, power, peace and joy.
Hymn: Lo He comes with clouds descending
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The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with all evermore. Amen