Worship for the 3rd Sunday after Easter
by Peter Blount 3 May 2020
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Our first hymn today is ‘The Lord’s my Shepherd’
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Begin reading from John’s Gospel Ch 10 v 1 to 6
‘But they did not understand what He was telling them’. It is fascinating what two thousand years of hindsight, Christian upbringing and a good slice of Bible teaching can do for you! The statement above, from verse six, was perhaps true at the time, but now, we can see that these six verses of chapter ten describe Jesus’ mission and ministry with insight and great detail.
In His time Jesus would often make reference to sheep, shepherds and pasture, and indeed it wasn’t a new concept then, because as in our opening words – Psalm 23 David makes this same parallel ‘The Lord is my Shepherd’ many years before Jesus.
I guess, in its simplest form, these verses and describing a relationship of knowledge, guidance and ultimate trust. The illustration is of sheep and shepherd but the parallel is to disciples and Christ, those who have found faith and God Himself, to us and our Lord.
Continue to read from the same passage John Ch 10 v 7 to 11
Verses seven to ten appear as if to explain the first six verses, Jesus shows His role in leading the lost to a place of shelter and rest, rather than being left to fend for themselves against the thief, the enemy the devil himself.
Verse eleven kind of sums up everything from the reading, and from the recent reminders of all that took place on the first Easter ‘The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep’.
So today as we ponder ‘The Good Shepherd’, in the quiet of your own home consider what more you can do to acknowledge the good shepherd and the way in which He has shepherded you to this point in time, plus what He will continue to do for you into the future.
Our next hymn ‘What Shall I do my God to Love’
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For our Intercession today please pray yourself as you focus on your cross and listen to the following track. H’ere are some pointers for subject matter which may help.
Pray for our troubled world – infected by greed, selfishness and disease.
Pray for God’s Church – all who preach and teach His precious word
For our community – that individuals will find security, peace and salvation
For our congregation - That each will be comforted and strengthened
For ourselves – That we may be blessed in our walk with the Lord
Continue to pray for as long as you feel you need to – play the track again – savour these moments of blessing
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May Gods grace, love and peace be with us all.